The Grey Pitbull: Facts, Cost, Rarity & More (W/ Pictures) (2024)

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The Pitbull, a much-loved and maligned dog breed, comes in many colors and sizes. But of all the variations, the grey Pitbull is one of the most sought-after by dog lovers.

This post will explore everything you need to know about the grey Pitbull: how they get this coat color, their cost, rarity, temperament, physical appearance, and more.

So whether you are a current or future owner of this pup, read on for all the need to know facts!

Let’s jump right in.

Table of Contents

The Grey Pitbull: Facts, Cost, Rarity & More (W/ Pictures) (1)

What Is a Grey Pitbull?

The grey Pitbull is a variation of the American Pitbull Terrier. The most distinguishing feature of the grey Pitbull is, of course, its coat color. Some grey Pitbulls may also have white markings on their chest, paws, or face.

The grey Pitbull is not its own separate breed; rather, it is simply a color variation of the American Pitbull Terrier. This means that the grey Pitbull shares all the same physical and temperamental traits as its parent breed.

For example, like all Pitbulls, the grey Pitbull is a strong, athletic dog with a muscular build. It is also an intelligent breed that is eager to please its owner and very trainable.

However, the grey Pitbull also shares some of the less desirable traits of its parent breed, such as a strong prey drive and a high energy level.

Their grey coat comes from a dilution of the black coat color gene. This means that grey Pitbulls can be born from two non-grey Pitbulls, as long as at least one of them carries the dilution gene.

Brief Pitbull Origin

American Pitbull terriers have a long and interesting history. Originally bred in England for bull-baiting, these dogs were prized for their strength, courage, and tenacity.

When bull-baiting was outlawed in the 1800s, the popularity of Pitbulls began to decline.

However, they soon found a new purpose as catch dogs on American farms. These dogs were used to help herd livestock and catch hogs, and their reputation as tenacious fighters soon began to spread.

In the early 1900s, Pitbulls were widely recognized as one of the most popular breeds in America. However, their popularity began to wane in the mid-1900s as reports of dog fighting and other aggressive behavior began to surface.

Today, Pitbulls are still widely considered to be one of America’s most controversial dog breeds. While some people view them as loyal and affectionate family pets, others see them as dangerous animals.

Thankfully though, many more people are starting to see them for their loving, playful nature.

Is a Grey Pitbull Rare?

Yes, the grey Pitbull is a relatively rare color variation. This is due to the fact that the grey coat color is caused by a dilution of the black coat color gene.

This means that grey Pitbulls can be born from two non-grey Pitbulls, as long as at least one of them carries the dilution gene.

While the grey Pitbull is not as rare as some other color variations, it is still not as common as the more traditional black and brindle Pitbulls.

This makes the grey Pitbull a sought-after dog by those looking for something a little different in their pup.

Grey Pitbull Appearance & Traits

The Grey Pitbull: Facts, Cost, Rarity & More (W/ Pictures) (2)

Size (Weight & Height)

The grey Pitbull is a medium to large-sized dog breed. Males typically weigh between 35 and 65 pounds, while females usually weigh between 30 and 85 pounds.

When it comes to height, males typically stand between 18 and 19 inches tall at the shoulder, while females usually stand between 17 and 18 inches tall.

So not much of a difference in terms of height, but males typically weigh closer to the higher end of that range and females tend to weigh closer to the lower end and middle of the range.

Coat Colors & Texture

Grey Pitbulls can come in a variety of different styles. And while the look of their coat can vary (in terms of color) the texture and length are the same as other Pitbulls.

Which is to say that their coat is short, smooth, and dense. And as the name suggests, grey is the primary color.

Standard Grey Pitbull

The standard grey Pitbull has a solid blueish-grey coat with very little color variation in their coat. The only places where they may have non-grey coloration are on their chest, paws, chin, and a little on their tail.

These other areas are typically white.

Grey Tri Color Pitbull

Another uncommon gray Pitbull variant is the grey tri-color Pitbull, which features a unique coat pattern consisting of three distinct colors.

For this coat variation, they will have a grey base coat mixed with varying amounts of tan/brown and white markings. These different colors can be anywhere on their body including their face, chest, back, legs, paws, as well as their tail.

Grey Fawn Pitbull

The grey fawn Pitbull is an even more rare coat color.

The grey fawn color is a light silvery-grey color with very little variation. Like the standard grey Pitbull, they may have some white markings on their chest, paws, chin, and tail.

They will also have a reddish-pink nose.

Grey Brindle Pitbull

The grey brindle Pitbull is the most common coat color variation of the grey Pitbull.

A brindle coat is a mix of black and brown hairs that create a streaked or striped pattern.

So, a grey brindle Pitbull will have a coat that is primarily grey with black and brown streaks throughout their coat. They may also have some white markings on their chest, paws, chin, and tail.

Grey Merle Pitbull

The grey merle Pitbull is one of the rarest and most unique grey coat variations.

A merle coat is a mottled coat that features patches of solid colors mixed with lighter shades of those colors.

So, a grey merle Pitbull will have a coat that is primarily grey with patches of black, brown, and white. These patches can be anywhere on their body and may or may not be symmetrical.

Shedding & Grooming

All Pitbulls, regardless of coat color, are considered to be moderate shedders.

This means that they will shed year-round, but the amount of shedding will increase during the spring and fall when they are blowing out their winter and summer coats.

As far as grooming goes, grey Pitbulls only need to be brushed once or twice a week to remove any loose hair and keep their coat healthy and looking its best.

Other than that, they only need the occasional bath (every few months or as needed), their nails trimmed and ears cleaned monthly, and teeth brushed a few times per week.

Are Grey Pitbulls Hypoallergenic?

No, grey Pitbulls are not considered to be hypoallergenic.

This is because they are a moderate shedder and produce dander (dead skin cells), which are the two main triggers for dog allergies.

So, if you or someone in your family is allergic to dogs, it is best to choose another breed.

Ears & Tail

Most grey Pitbulls will have floppy ears that are set high on their head.

Their tail is thick at the base and tapers to a point. It is medium in length and typically hangs down when they are at rest.

Eye Color

Grey Pitbulls can have any color eyes, but the most common are brown, hazel, and green.

What’s interesting is many grey Pitbulls are born with blue eyes, but they usually change to another color within the first several weeks of life.

This is because the melanin (pigment) in their eyes is not fully developed when they are born, so their eyes will typically get darker as they get older.

However, some keep their beautiful blue eyes for the rest of their life.


The Grey Pitbull: Facts, Cost, Rarity & More (W/ Pictures) (3)

The average lifespan of a grey Pitbull is between 12 and 16 years.

However, this can vary depending on factors such as diet, exercise, health conditions, and genetics.

For example, Pitbulls that are fed a high-quality diet and get plenty of exercise tend to live longer than those that don’t.

Common Health Issues

Unfortunately, like all breeds, grey Pitbulls are prone to certain health conditions.

The most common health issues that affect grey Pitbulls include hip and elbow dysplasia, congenital heart defects, allergies, and skin conditions.

Hip and elbow dysplasia are both genetic conditions that cause the joints to develop abnormally. This can lead to joint pain, lameness, and arthritis.

Congenital heart defects are also genetic and can cause the heart to develop abnormally. This can lead to congestive heart failure and other serious health problems.

Allergies and skin conditions are usually caused by environmental factors such as pollen, mold, dust, and chemicals. These can cause the dog to itch, scratch, and have red, irritated skin. If not treated properly, allergies and skin conditions can lead to secondary infections.

That being said, these health problems can be greatly minimized by choosing a reputable breeder, feeding your dog a high-quality diet, and taking them to the vet for regular check-ups and vaccinations.

Trainability & Intelligence

The Grey Pitbull: Facts, Cost, Rarity & More (W/ Pictures) (4)

When it comes to trainability, grey Pitbulls are very eager to please their owners and are usually quick to learn new commands.

However, they can be stubborn at times and may need some extra patience and persistence when training them.

As far as intelligence goes, grey Pitbulls are considered to be average.

This means that they are not the most intelligent breed, but they are also not the least intelligent.

So, with the right training methods, they should be able to learn anything you want to teach them.

In general, they do best with positive reinforcement training that uses treats or praise as rewards.

Activity Level & Exercise Needs

Grey Pitbulls are a medium to high-energy breed. This means that they need plenty of exercise to stay happy and healthy.

Ideally, they should get at least 30 minutes to an hour of exercise per day. This can be in the form of walks, runs, playtime, or any other activity that gets them moving.

If they don’t get enough exercise, they may become restless, destructive, or overly anxious due to too much pent up energy.

Mental stimulation is also important for grey Pitbulls. A few ways to healthily stimulate their mind can be in the form of training, puzzle toys, or interactive games.

Temperament & Behavior

The Grey Pitbull: Facts, Cost, Rarity & More (W/ Pictures) (5)

Are Grey Pitbulls Good With Kids?

Overall, grey Pitbulls have a gentle and loving temperament. They are known for being great with children and are often referred to as “nanny dogs.”

However, it’s important to remember that every dog is an individual and some may be more tolerant of kids than others.

Because of this, it’s always best to supervise a grey Pitbull around children, especially if they are young or have never been around kids before.

Are Grey Pitbulls Good With Other Dogs?

Grey Pitbulls generally get along well with other dogs. They are social dogs that love to play and have a strong desire to be part of a pack.

However, there are always exceptions to the rule and some grey Pitbulls may not do well around other dogs.

This is usually due to lack of socialization or if they have had a bad experience with another dog in the past.

If you’re planning on getting a grey Pitbull, it’s important to introduce them to other dogs early on and socialize them as much as possible.

Are Grey Pitbulls Good With Strangers?

In general, grey Pitbulls are friendly and outgoing around strangers. They love meeting new people and usually enjoy being the center of attention.

However, some grey Pitbulls may be reserved or shy around strangers.

The best way to avoid this behavior is to give them plenty of opportunities to meet new people when young.

Are Grey Pitbulls Good Apartment Dogs?

Due to their high energy level, grey Pitbulls may not be the best apartment dogs. They need a lot of space to run and play and may not do well in a small, enclosed area.

If you live in an apartment, it’s important to make sure that you can provide a grey Pitbull with enough exercise.

This may mean taking them on multiple walks per day or bringing them to a dog park where they can run and play off-leash.

Grey Pitbull Puppy Price

The Grey Pitbull: Facts, Cost, Rarity & More (W/ Pictures) (6)

The grey Pitbull is one of the most expensive coat variations for these dogs.

A grey Pitbull puppy can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $7,500, depending on the breeder and their location.

The price is also affected by the parents’ pedigree, if the dog has championship bloodlines, if they have a unique coat type, and whether or not the pup comes with registration papers.

You may even see them go for as much as $10,000.

Be very careful when you see a grey Pitbull going for unusually low prices.

Always make sure you are dealing with a reputable breeder.

Unfortunately, there are unethical breeders out there looking to make a quick buck by selling sick or unhealthy puppies.

Where Can You Find Grey Pitbull Puppies For Sale?

The Grey Pitbull: Facts, Cost, Rarity & More (W/ Pictures) (7)

There are a few places you can look for grey Pitbull puppies for sale.

The best place to start is by searching online directories such as AKC’s Marketplace, Lancaster Puppies or Puppy Finder.

These websites will provide you with a list of breeders in your area that have grey Pitbull puppies for sale. Or at the very least, breeders to contact to see if they know anyone near your area who breeds these dogs.

You can also check out some well-established businesses that have been breeding Pitbulls for many years to contact.

Some more well-known ones are:

  • Trevinos Pitbulls ( – Located in Arkansas
  • Blue Fire Pits ( – Located in Upstate, New York
  • Butlers Blue Bullies ( – Located in Laveria, Texas
  • Finest Pitbulls Made ( – Located in Memphis, TN

If you contact any of these breeders, we encourage you to ask them all the necessary questions to ensure they do things reputably. We have not worked with these breeders and are only listing them based on how long they’ve been in business and testimonials.

Last but not least, you can always find grey Pitbull puppies for sale through your local animal shelter or rescue organization.

Many of these dogs are in need of a good home and would make a great addition to your family.

Adopting from a shelter or rescue is also cheaper than purchasing from a breeder.

Other FAQs

What Breed Is a Grey Pitbull?

Grey Pitbulls are not mixed with any other breeds to get this coat color. Grey Pitbulls are American Pitbull Terriers just like any other coat-colored Pitbull.

Why Are Grey Pitbulls Called Blue?

The grey coat color is often called blue because it’s a dilution of the black coat color.

Also, in certain lighting, their coat can appear to have a blue tinge to it.

Grey Pitbulls, whether they’re called blue, silver, or grey, are all the same dogs, just simply named something different.

Does AKC Recognize Grey Pitbulls?

The American Kennel Club (AKC) does not currently recognize the grey Pitbull as a coat color variation.

They only recognize three coat colors for the American Pitbull Terrier: black, blue, and brindle.

Final Thoughts

While the grey Pitbull is certainly a sight to see, they, unfortunately, come with a higher price tag. There are a few different coat variations of grey Pitbulls that are all unique in their own way.

We hope this post enabled you to decide if a grey Pitbull is right for you and your family. These dogs are incredibly loving and make great companions. They’re also very protective of their family, which makes them an excellent caretaker of little ones.

They are no different, personality-wise, than other Pitbulls but with an added touch of uniqueness with their beautiful grey coat.

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Black Pitbull: Ultimate Guide To These Misunderstood Dogs

The Grey Pitbull: Facts, Cost, Rarity & More (W/ Pictures) (2024)


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