Greybull Pit (Pit Bull & Greyhound Mix): Info, Facts, And Pictures (2024)

Greybull Pit (Pit Bull & Greyhound Mix): Info, Facts, And Pictures (1)

Greyhounds and Pit Bulls are incredible dog breeds. If you plan to get a dog, these might have made it to your final list. However, you’ll most likely choose only one of them to be your company.

If you don’t have a final decision, why don’t you try to get a mix between them?

The Greybull Pit is the crossbreed between the Greyhound and American Pit Bull Terrier. It is quite an unusual combination, but the outcome is spectacular. Greybull Pits are large and very sporty dogs. However, they are mostly advised for experienced owners.

It is crucial to thoroughly know the details of any dog before you officially get him. This can prove to be a very stressful task sometimes, especially if we’re talking about a crossbreed.

So today I’ll cover everything you should know about the Greybull Pit.

Contents show

Considerations About Crossbreeding

Greybull Pit (Pit Bull & Greyhound Mix): Info, Facts, And Pictures (2)

Before diving into the details of a mixed dog, it’s vital to understand how they are generated. Crossbred dogs are those whose parents are purebred of distinct breeds or aren’t purebred at all. The resulting puppy is a dog that shares some characteristics from each breed.

The mostcommon scenario is when people mate two purebred dogs together. In our case,they’re pure Pit Bulls and Greyhounds. It isn’t impossible, but rather uncommonto find puppies of two Greybull Pits.

One of the most significant benefits of crossbred dogs is that they tend to be healthier. Purebred pooches may suffer from breed-specific genetic anomalies that can be passed through generations.

When you mix two breeds, there’s a higher chance these imperfections will be lost in the DNA exchange.

The mostsignificant disadvantage is their unpredictability. Anything can happen in thegamete interchange. If you breed a large dog together with a small one, there’san equal chance of the resulting puppy being tiny or extraordinarily massive.

And thatdoesn’t apply only for physical aspects. Other things, such as the temperamentof the new dog, are hard to forecast as well.

What you should do to better know how your mixed dog will be like is to analyze their parents individually. The resulting animal is always the average of their ancestors’ characteristics.

Obviously, that isn’t a precise way to determine the features of the new dog, but it certainly helps a bit.

The Athletic and Fast Dog: The Greyhound

Greybull Pit (Pit Bull & Greyhound Mix): Info, Facts, And Pictures (3)

Let’s startby talking about the specific characteristics of the Greyhound. In fact, thesedogs aren’t common in American homes. Their primary role is to participate inraces. The majority of current pet Greyhounds are actually retired competitors.

More than athird of all the dogs nowadays are still on the grind. They are raised bytrainers who prepare them specifically for Greyhoundracing. Therefore, they can’t be included in domestic statistics.

These dogs have the ideal anatomy for speed. They have the perfect power-to-weight ratio, tall and powerful feet, deep chest, and many other features that, when combined, allow them to reach speeds close to 46 mph.

Greyhounds are the fastest dogs on the planet, hence why people love racing them. This is a relatively active breed. However, many other popular ones have higher energy than this.

If you wereto get a Greyhound as a puppy, then maybe he would be much more playful. Butremember that most people own retired athletes, which have an elevated age andliterally have already run enough!

These dogs have a tendency to be incredibly friendly with anyone. They’re a good company for the family, kids, and tolerate other dogs and strangers without much problem.

Despite that, a major issue is that they tend to bark a lot. But in case you need to teach him some obedience lessons, he is highly easy to train as well.

Despite mostof the benefits of this breed, some things prevent them from matching some owners’profiles. Greyhounds are not advised fornovice owners. They don’t adapt well to some situations, which might makethem challenging dogs to deal with.

They also demand a high responsibility. Unless the dog is in a fenced and controlled area, he must never be let lead-free. This breed has a strong prey-drive instinct.

The dog may easily fall into the temptation of attacking a small animal. With their lightning speeds, nothing can stop them if you let them free.

The Misunderstood Breed: The American Pit Bull Terrier

Greybull Pit (Pit Bull & Greyhound Mix): Info, Facts, And Pictures (4)

The second part of the Greybull Pit mix is the American Pit Bull Terrier (or APBT). A lot of people simply call this breed “The Pit Bull,” but this can sometimes cause confusion.

Pit Bull is ageneric term to refer to a type of dog descended from Bulldogs and Terriers.Inside this category, there are many breeds, like the American Bulldog, theStaffordshire Bull Terrier, and, obviously, the American Pit Bull Terrier.

Mixes between a Pit Bull and the Greyhound are uncommon, but the Greybull Pit is the most commonly found. Because of that, that’s the only one I’ll show you today.

If you want more information about other mixes, this article still remains valuable since a significant number of features are shared among various Pit Bull breeds.

Anotherwidespread misconception about the Pit Bulls is that they’re dangerous. On thecontrary, they’re incredibly friendly both with their families and withstrangers.

Theirrelationship with kids is so fantastic that many people used to call them“the nanny dog.” Yes, this position was sometimes attributed to them.Nowadays, this practice is falling into disuse.

Nevertheless,the APBT commonly mistreats other pets. I believe that’s one of the factors whya lot of people accuse them of being dangerous. In the past, this breed waswidely used in blood sports, such as bear and bull baiting.

Even though these practices are prohibited nowadays, some Pit Bulls still have serious problems accepting other dogs.

Apart from that, many irresponsible owners deliberately train their APBTs to be aggressive with other people. If we combine everything, we can realize why the preconception exists.

The tendencyof misbehavior towards other pets require APBTs to be socialized as soon aspossible. By giving the dog early lessons in his life, he will learn how tobehave adequately with much more facility. He will not only accept other dogsbut also overcome his tendencies of stubbornness.

And as wellas the Greyhound, the American Pit BullTerrier is effortless to train. It is a highly intelligent breed and doeseverything possible to please their owners.

However, thislast group also needs to comply with their dog’s demands. And the mostsignificant responsibility is to provide them with time to exercise.

There aresome highly lazy APBTs, but the vast majority of them are completely theopposite. So it isn’t difficult to convince them to go out for a walk.

As well asthe Greyhound, American Pit Bull Terriers aren’t advised for inexperiencedpeople. They don’t adapt well to many situations, including apartment livingand extreme weather.

Anotherstrong positive aspect of the APBT is that they’re really easy to groom. Ithink you may have imagined this since they clearly don’t have much fur. Notonly is it simpler to brush them, but they also get dirty less often, whichmeans less need for baths.

They tend to drool a lot, which is lousy if you can’t stand your furniture being always full of saliva. But apart from that, American Pit Bulls are really strong and healthy dogs.

They may experience some problems throughout their lives, but those are common issues among all animals.

American Pit Bull Terrier + Greyhound = The Greybull Pit

So now you know the characteristics of those two breeds, let’s dive into the mix between them! The Greybull Pit is basically the average of its parents’ features.

It is a happy, sensitive, and active dog. Although their parents have vast backgrounds, this crossbreed is quite new, indeed.

Behavior and Trainability

The Greybull Pit is a highly friendly crossbreed. These dogs get along well with any person. Be the members of your family, kids, and even strangers, you won’t see your pooch creating confusion.

In fact, what may happen is he getting extremely excited to greet someone that comes to your house.

The dog is highly sensitive. He will hate being alone or distant from you. Among other considerations, that’s something essential to have in mind if you plan to leave him outside for long periods.

Any tension or special event that happens in your family is enough to affect his mood as well.

Mostly acharacteristic of the American Pit Bull Terrier, the Greybull Pit perfectlyknows how to deal with kids. He will take care of little children when needed,and always knows how to act with them.

The Greyhoundis generally a dog-friendly pet, but the APBT isn’t. Due to that, the GreybullPit may behave similarly. That’s a reason for some concern. But with propertraining and socialization, you can quickly solve this issue.

This dog iseasy to train overall. He is highly intelligent, so he will absorb lessonswithout any problems. Sometimes, however, he might be stubborn and resist yourcommands. Those cases can be easily solved if you reward the dog more often.

As per usual,the method of training advised is positive reinforcement. Being aggressive withyour furry friend is not only cruel, but it simply doesn’t work, either.

Size, Required Space, and Appearance

Greybull Pit (Pit Bull & Greyhound Mix): Info, Facts, And Pictures (6)

That’s a thing you must note: the Greybull Pit tends to be a large dog. Obviously, it all depends on which side will stand out the most. If the Pit Bull prevails, expect something smaller, a medium-sized pet.

But if the dominant gene is the Greyhound’s one, then you’ll get a really substantial outcome.

The average height for females is around 17 to 18 inches. On the other hand, males typically grow from 19 up to 30 inches! They weigh between 30 to 85 pounds when fully grown.

Whether ornot a house is a requirement to get this dog is a tricky subject. You know, theGreyhound can live in an apartment without many troubles. However, someAmerican Pit Bull Terriers may struggle a bit to adapt to this scenario.

Everythingdepends on your Greybull Pit’s parents, specifically. It is kind of a gamble topredict how well he will adapt to living in a small space.

As a rule of thumb, I’d say you’re okay with this situation. I advise you to search for the dog’s family details before deciding anything.

Look at how the Pit Bull that originated him behaves. If he has records of being playful and demanding, maybe consider looking for another dog.

Common Health Problems

Greybull Pit (Pit Bull & Greyhound Mix): Info, Facts, And Pictures (7)

It’s neverexciting to think about the health problems that our dogs may suffer. However,that’s a subject that can’t be avoided. You must be ready because,unfortunately, someday your furry friend will go through this.

Your attitudes to prevent health issues must be taken even before you get a Greybull Pit. It’s crucial to verify the breeder you plan to get your dog from.

You must ask yourself the basic yet most pressing questions:

  • Is the breeder reputable?
  • Do they have a clean history regarding animal mistreatment?
  • Does the place that the puppy lives have adequate conditions?
  • How is the disease history of the dog’s family like?…

This questioning will provide you with an overview of your future dog’s health. In case you find that his family had previous hereditary diseases, for example, maybe he will be more prone to them as well.

Obviously, you should deeply research anything before to prevent premature conclusions.

But now,let’s see the group of diseases the Greybull Pit tends to be more vulnerableto:

Hip Dysplasia (HD)

I bet you’ve already heard this term a lot. Hip Dysplasia is a common condition, especially among large dog breeds. It is an anomaly in the canine ball-socket hip joint that makes it mistakenly placed. This is what allows dogs to walk and run with freedom.

The issue may cause a wide variety of problems among dogs, it depends on its progression. Symptoms include a decrease in activity, difficulty walking and jumping, pain, and other related troubles. The diagnosis can be made by identifying these difficulties or through X-ray.

An abnormalgenetic condition is the main cause of HD. Surgery is the only effectivetreatment method. However, if the case is not worrying enough, there’sgenerally no need for this. Your dog’s veterinarian may simply prescribe someremedies.


The Greybull Pit may experience some problems related to hormonal production. If the thyroid gland produces fewer hormones than usual, this is called hypothyroidism. If the scenario is the opposite, the condition is called hyperthyroidism.

What thesediseases can cause are mostly changes in metabolism. Lack of energy, obesity,irregular heat cycles, and mental dullness are some examples of the effects ofhypothyroidism.

On the otherhand, hyperthyroidism may lead your dog to hyperactivity, excessive weightloss, frequent urination, and many other problems. This illness, however, isslightly rarer than hypothyroidism.

Bothconditions are chronic, they can’t be cured. The good news is that they aren’ta big problem, though. You just need to continually provide your Greybull Pitwith a hormone replacement pill. The major drawback is that he will need to useit until the end of his life.

Gastric Torsion (Bloat)

Perhaps that’s the most serious common health issue you need to pay attention to. Bloat is when food, fluids, or gases fill a dog’s stomach, making it expand. If you verify that your Greybull Pit suffers from this problem, seek treatment as soon as possible.

The clearestsign of bloat is an expanded stomach. The belly of your furry friend will looklike a party balloon. Other symptoms include drooling, will to vomit,restlessness, and anxiety. Gastric torsion commonly happens quickly.

What causesbloat isn’t entirely clear yet. However, some attitudes may be related to thistrauma. Things such as eating or drinking quickly and in excess, having onelarge daily meal, and mental stress may generate gastric torsion crises.

Depending onthe severity of the case, different treatment methods will be deployed. Themost usual way for vets to solve this problem is by inserting a tube into theanimal’s throat and trying to release the pressure.

Bloat canprevent your Greybull Pit’s blood from reaching the heart, tear the wall of hisstomach, send him into shocks, and, in more severe cases, even lead to death.Now you understand the importance of quick reactions.

Care & Exercise

Greybull Pit (Pit Bull & Greyhound Mix): Info, Facts, And Pictures (8)

Grooming a Greybull Pit is an easy task. As you can see, neither the American Pit Bull Terrier nor the Greyhound has long fur.

This characteristic makes them shed very little. Thankfully, this also applies to the Greybull Pit.

Another pro of this crossbreed is its low bathing frequency. Mainly thanks to their short fur, these dogs don’t get dirty quickly.

Therefore, the interval between the baths of your furry friend can be substantially longer in comparison to other breeds.

A significantdrawback of Greybull Pits is that they drool constantly. That’s a probleminherited from the APBT. So if you can’t stand living with your stuff full ofdog saliva, think carefully if you really want this mix.

As I said previously, the Greybull Pit is an active crossbreed. Your furry friend will frequently jump on you, desperately asking for a walk.

Depending on the dog, he may behave slightly differently, either being more demanding or lazy.

Regardless of circ*mstances, provide him with 30 minutes to 2 hours of exercise each day. Yes, this may seem a lot, but it’s required to maintain your pooch in good health.

If you need some help, hire a dog walker. But never leave him with a lack of exercise.

My Final Thoughts

If you lovePit Bulls and Greyhounds, the Greybull Pit may be a great dog for you. Thiscrossbreed blends the best aspects of the American Pit Bull Terrier and theGreyhound, creating a friendly, active, and fast dog.

Understandingall the aspects of a dog breed is crucial before deciding who will be your newcompanion. For the Greybull Pit, you must make sure you have previousexperience with other dogs. Despite being amiable, they do require someadvanced expertise.

Apart from this crossbreed, there are many others involving Pit Bulls and the Greyhound. You just need to change the American Pit Bull Terrier for any other Pit Bull breed.

However, the Greybull Pit is the most common one, and it also serves as a base to understand the other combinations.

References & Citations

  • Wikipedia
  • Fetch by WebMD
  • American Kennel Club
  • Wamiz
Greybull Pit (Pit Bull & Greyhound Mix): Info, Facts, And Pictures (2024)


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