EU4: Beginner’s Guide for Castille (Ultimate 2024) - EU4 Paradise (2024)

Table of Contents
Table of Contents 1444: The Dawn of Castile’s Glory Diplomacy Economy and Military Technology and Ideas Expansion and Reconquista: 1444 – 1450: Laying the Foundations of a Spanish Empire Focus on Internal Stability Diplomatic Maneuvering Military Expansion and Reconquista Exploration and Colonization Preparing for the Future 1450 – 1465: Expanding Influence and Preparing for a Global Empire Consolidating Power in Iberia Strengthening Economy and Infrastructure Diplomacy and European Affairs Military Modernization and Expansion Advancing Exploration and Colonization Preparing for the Age of Reformation Setting the Stage for Global Dominance 1465 – 1480: Establishing a Global Presence and Navigating European Politics Expanding Your Global Reach Deepening European Influence Consolidating Iberian Power Economic and Technological Advancements Preparing for the Reformation and Religious Wars Military Readiness and Expansion 1480 – 1495: Solidifying Your Empire and Embracing the Age of Discovery Enhancing Colonial Expansion Strengthening the Home Front Playing a Key Role in European Politics Advancing Technology and Ideas Preparing for the Age of Reformation Expanding Trade and Wealth 1495 – 1510: Asserting Global Dominance and Navigating European Dynamics Expanding and Managing Your Colonial Empire Enhancing Influence in Europe Advancing Military and Naval Power Adapting to the Reformation Economic Development and Trade Planning for the Future Key Tips and Considerations for Castille What are The Best Idea Groups for Castille in EU4? Colonial Expansion Playstyle Conquest & Diplomacy Playstyle How Do You Deal with the Castilian Civil War in EU4? What Should You Focus on During the Early Game as Castille? How Can Castille Best Utilize its National Ideas in EU4? Conclusion References

Welcome to the thrilling world of Europa Universalis IV, where history, strategy, and your ambition intertwine to create an unparalleled grand strategy experience. Today, we embark on an exciting journey, tailored specifically for beginners, guiding you through the ins and outs of one of the most intriguing and dynamic nations in the game: Castile.

From the Reconquista to the New World, Castile’s unique position in the 15th century presents a plethora of opportunities for aspiring strategists.
Join us as we unfold the secrets of Castile, paving your way from a regional power to a dominant force on the world stage. Embrace the challenge, for the pages of history await your command!

Table of Contents

1444: The Dawn of Castile’s Glory


Forge Strong Alliances:

  • Portugal: Your neighbor and natural ally. Forming an alliance with Portugal can help secure your western flank and pave the way for future cooperation in exploration and colonization.
  • Aragon: A potential ally or rival. Consider your strategy with Aragon carefully. An alliance could be beneficial, but be prepared for possible future conflicts, especially over the control of the Iberian Peninsula.

Evaluate Rivalries

  • France and England: Keep a close eye on these powerful neighbors. Rivaling one might lead to an alliance with the other, but choose wisely as this decision will shape your early diplomatic landscape.
  • Strategic Marriages: Look for royal marriage opportunities with nations that can bolster your position. Austria, a leading power in the Holy Roman Empire, could be a valuable ally.

Economy and Military

  • Lower Army Maintenance: During peacetime, reduce your army maintenance to save money. Be ready to raise it quickly in case of unexpected wars or rebellions.
  • Optimize Trade: Focus on the Sevilla trade node, where Castile already has a strong presence. Assign your merchants strategically to maximize your trade income.
  • Build to Force Limit: Ensure your army is at its force limit to deter potential aggressors.
  • Naval Power: Given Castile’s geographical location, a strong navy is essential. Maintain a powerful fleet to control the seas and protect your trade interests.

Technology and Ideas

  • Strengthen Catholic Faith: As a Catholic nation, maintaining good relations with the Papacy can provide various benefits. Invest in improving your Papal influence.
  • Administrative Efficiency: Prioritize Administrative Technology to unlock vital administrative ideas and manage your vast territories more effectively.
  • Exploration Ideas: As Castile, you are uniquely positioned to lead the Age of Exploration. Choosing Exploration as your first idea group can open up vast colonial and trade opportunities across the New World and Africa.

Expansion and Reconquista:

  • Reconquista Goals: Your primary objective is the Reconquista – the reconquest of Iberian lands under Muslim control. Granada is a prime target for your initial expansion efforts.
  • Manage Aggressive Expansion: While expanding, keep an eye on aggressive expansion to avoid forming a coalition against you. Diplomatic actions can help mitigate this risk.

1444 – 1450: Laying the Foundations of a Spanish Empire

Focus on Internal Stability

  • Control Nobility: Keep an eye on your estates, especially the nobility. Managing their influence and loyalty is crucial for maintaining stability.
  • Reduce Unrest: Be proactive in reducing unrest in your provinces, particularly in those with different cultures or religions.
  • Develop Key Provinces: Invest in developing your core provinces to boost your economy. Focus on areas with valuable trade goods or high development potential.
  • Tax Efficiency: Implement policies and advisors that enhance tax revenue, a significant source of income for Castile.

Diplomatic Maneuvering

  • Strategic Marriages and Alliances: Continue to use royal marriages and alliances to exert influence in the region. Be wary of aggressive expansion penalties with neighboring Christian kingdoms.
  • European Powers: Build relationships with other European powers, such as the Holy Roman Empire and France, to secure potential allies or deter adversaries.

Military Expansion and Reconquista

  • War with Granada: Prepare for and execute your war against Granada to reclaim Iberian lands. Ensure you have a superior military and consider calling in allies.
  • Recruit Infantry and Cavalry: Balance your army composition with a mix of infantry and cavalry, keeping in mind Castile’s military traditions and strengths.

Exploration and Colonization

  • Unlock Exploration Ideas: If you have chosen Exploration as your first idea group, start exploring as soon as you have the necessary technology and explorers.
  • Colonize Nearby Islands: Look to colonize accessible islands like the Canary Islands as stepping stones for further exploration.

Preparing for the Future

  • Consider Future Conflicts: Keep an eye on potential future conflicts with neighbors like Aragon and France. Maintain a strong military and alliances to deter aggression.
  • Economic and Naval Growth: Continue to develop your economy and naval strength to support future colonial and military endeavors.

1450 – 1465: Expanding Influence and Preparing for a Global Empire

Consolidating Power in Iberia

  • Finalize the Conquest of Granada: If not already accomplished, conclude the Reconquista by fully integrating Granada into your realm, keeping an eye on potential unrest and religious differences.
  • Aragon and Navarre: Monitor opportunities to diplomatically or militarily incorporate Aragon and Navarre. The Iberian Wedding event, if it occurs, can be a significant turning point.

Strengthening Economy and Infrastructure

  • Invest in Trade and Production: Continue to develop your trade power, particularly in the Sevilla node, and increase production in provinces with valuable resources.
  • Buildings and Development: Construct economic buildings like marketplaces and workshops to enhance your income. Consider developing key provinces to increase their output.

Diplomacy and European Affairs

  • European Alliances: Keep your alliances with major European powers strong, but be ready to reassess them as the geopolitical landscape changes.
  • Papal Relations: As a Catholic nation, maintaining a positive relationship with the Papacy can provide benefits like increased Papal influence and potential for Papal interventions in your favor.

Military Modernization and Expansion

  • Upgrade Military Technology: Stay up-to-date with military technology to maintain an edge over your rivals.
  • Army Composition: Regularly review and adjust your army composition, incorporating advanced units as they become available.

Advancing Exploration and Colonization

  • Explore the Atlantic: Send explorers to chart the Atlantic Ocean, looking for new lands and sea routes, particularly towards the West African coast.
  • Establish Colonies: Begin establishing colonies in discovered territories, focusing on strategically important locations or areas rich in resources.

Preparing for the Age of Reformation

  • Monitor Religious Sentiment: The impending Protestant Reformation may bring significant religious upheaval. Keep an eye on the religious landscape of Europe and prepare to respond to these changes.

Setting the Stage for Global Dominance

  • Global Ambitions: Start laying the groundwork for your global empire. This includes planning for conflicts against other colonial powers and securing critical trade routes and colonies.

1465 – 1480: Establishing a Global Presence and Navigating European Politics

Expanding Your Global Reach

  • Focus on the New World: Begin to explore and colonize the Caribbean and the coast of South America. These regions are rich in resources and will be crucial to your empire’s wealth.
  • Secure Trade Routes: Establish and secure key trade routes, particularly in the Atlantic, to facilitate the flow of goods and wealth back to the Iberian Peninsula.
  • Expand Your Navy: Build a stronger fleet capable of protecting your overseas territories and trade routes. Invest in bigger ships like carracks and galleons.

Deepening European Influence

  • Influence Continental Politics: Use your diplomatic and military might to influence the balance of power in Europe. Support allies in wars and leverage your position to gain favorable treaties.
  • Manage Relations with France and the Holy Roman Empire: Keep a careful eye on these powerful neighbors. Align with them when beneficial, but be prepared to defend your interests if necessary.

Consolidating Iberian Power

  • Integrate Aragon and Navarre: If not already achieved through the Iberian Wedding event, look for opportunities to diplomatically or militarily unite the Iberian Peninsula under your banner.
  • Develop Iberian Provinces: Continue to invest in the economic and military development of your Iberian territories to solidify your power base.

Economic and Technological Advancements

  • Promote Economic Development: Focus on enhancing your economic infrastructure, including building manufactories and upgrading trade centers.
  • Technological Innovation: Stay ahead in technological advancements, particularly in administrative and diplomatic technologies, to maintain an edge over your rivals.

Preparing for the Reformation and Religious Wars

  • Stay Alert to the Protestant Reformation: With the Reformation on the horizon, be prepared to make decisions regarding your religious stance, which could significantly impact your internal stability and international relations.

Military Readiness and Expansion

  • Keep Your Army Modern and Efficient: Regularly update your military units and tactics. Be prepared for potential conflicts, both in Europe and in your colonial territories.
  • Plan for Future Wars: Anticipate and plan for future wars, especially against other colonial powers, to expand your global empire.

1480 – 1495: Solidifying Your Empire and Embracing the Age of Discovery

Enhancing Colonial Expansion

  • Colonize Strategic Locations: Focus on colonizing key areas in the Caribbean, South America, and along the African coast. These colonies will not only bring wealth but also serve as bases for further exploration.
  • Establish Trade Companies: In regions like West Africa, establish trade companies to maximize your trade income and influence.
  • Compete with Other Colonial Powers: Be prepared to compete with Portugal, England, and France in the race for colonies. Use diplomacy, military might, and your superior naval power to secure your interests.

Strengthening the Home Front

  • Integrate Lesser Partners: If you have personal unions or vassals within Iberia, work towards integrating them fully into your empire.
  • Develop Your Heartland: Continue to invest in the economic and military development of the Iberian Peninsula to ensure it remains a strong base for your global endeavors.

Playing a Key Role in European Politics

  • Engage in Diplomatic Maneuvering: Use your growing power to influence key European events and wars. Support allies or engage in wars that serve your interests.
  • Prepare for Potential Conflicts: As the Reformation begins to take hold, be ready for the religious and political conflicts that may ensue.

Advancing Technology and Ideas

  • Keep Up with Tech Groups: Ensure you are not falling behind in technology, particularly military and naval advancements, which are crucial for maintaining your empire.
  • Choose Beneficial Ideas: Depending on your strategy, select ideas that complement your goals. Administrative ideas can help manage your empire, while military ideas strengthen your armies and navies.

Preparing for the Age of Reformation

  • Monitor the Reformation: As Protestantism spreads, decide whether to remain Catholic or to embrace the new faith. This decision will have significant implications for your internal stability and relationships with other nations.

Expanding Trade and Wealth

  • Dominate Key Trade Nodes: Focus on dominating trade nodes critical to your empire, especially Sevilla and those in your colonial regions.
  • Build a Global Trade Network: Use your colonies and naval power to establish a global network that funnels wealth back to Castile.

1495 – 1510: Asserting Global Dominance and Navigating European Dynamics

Expanding and Managing Your Colonial Empire

  • Rapid Colonial Growth: Accelerate your efforts in establishing colonies in the Americas and Africa. Prioritize areas with valuable resources and strategic importance.
  • Protect Your Colonies: Establish strong naval forces in key areas to protect your colonies and trade routes from rival European powers.
  • Efficient Colonial Management: Implement efficient administrative practices to manage your growing colonial empire. Consider appointing capable governors and establishing colonial nations for better governance.

Enhancing Influence in Europe

  • Influence European Politics: Use your diplomatic and military power to shape European affairs to your advantage. Form strategic alliances and participate in wars that benefit your long-term goals.
  • Monitor the Habsburgs: Keep a close eye on the Habsburg dynasty, especially if they hold the throne in Austria or the Holy Roman Empire. Their actions can significantly impact European politics.

Advancing Military and Naval Power

  • Modernize Your Army: Continuously upgrade your army to keep up with technological advancements. Ensure that your army composition and tactics are suitable for the potential conflicts of this era.
  • Build a Dominant Navy: Maintain and expand your navy, focusing on advanced ship designs to ensure control over the seas and safeguard your burgeoning trade empire.

Adapting to the Reformation

  • Handle the Protestant Reformation: Decide how to deal with the Protestant Reformation. Whether you choose to remain Catholic or embrace Protestantism, be prepared for the consequences and potential religious conflicts.

Economic Development and Trade

  • Expand Trade Networks: Continue to expand and dominate global trade networks. Use your colonial and trade company assets to funnel wealth into Castile.
  • Invest in Economic Infrastructure: Build manufactories, marketplaces, and other economic buildings to enhance your domestic economy and fuel your imperial ambitions.

Planning for the Future

  • Prepare for Global Rivalries: Anticipate future global conflicts with other colonial powers like Portugal, England, and France. Develop strategies to outmaneuver these rivals in the race for global supremacy.
  • Consolidate Power in Iberia: Ensure the Iberian Peninsula remains a strong and stable base for your global operations. Address any internal issues and strengthen your control over the region.

Key Tips and Considerations for Castille

* Maintain Stability and Religious Harmony: As Castille, balancing religious and cultural diversity within your empire is essential. Uphold Catholicism and work closely with the Papacy to gain benefits, but be tactful in managing different faiths, especially in newly conquered or colonized territories. Use missionaries to convert provinces when feasible and deploy troops or use harsh treatment to quell rebellions and maintain control.

* Maximize Trade Dominance: Utilize Castille’s strategic position to dominate key trade nodes, particularly Sevilla, which is central to your trade empire. Focus on building trade buildings, deploying light ships to protect your trade routes, and investing in provinces with high-value trade goods. Also, consider expanding your influence into the Genoa trade node for additional revenue.

* Strategic Expansion and Diplomacy: Expand carefully and with strategic intent. Prioritize areas that can bolster your trade empire, such as the rich regions of the Caribbean, the coast of South America, and key African trade centers. Be mindful of aggressive expansion, especially in Europe, to avoid coalitions against you. Utilize diplomacy effectively, forming alliances, personal unions, or vassalizing strategically important nations to secure your interests and buffer against rivals.

What are The Best Idea Groups for Castille in EU4?

In Europa Universalis IV, the choice of idea groups for Castille largely depends on your chosen playstyle. Castille is versatile and can excel in different directions, but the two most common playstyles are Colonial Expansion and Conquest & Diplomacy. Here are the six best idea groups, divided into these two playstyles:

Colonial Expansion Playstyle

  • Exploration Ideas:
    • Essential for any colonial empire. It allows you to explore uncharted territories, discover new lands, and establish colonies. The ability to recruit explorers and conquistadors is crucial for overseas expansion.
  • Expansion Ideas:
    • Complements your colonial efforts. It provides additional colonists, faster colonization, and the policy with Exploration Ideas enhances your colonial growth. The extra diplomatic relations slot also helps in managing overseas territories.
  • Trade Ideas:
    • Vital for maximizing the economic benefits of your colonial empire. It improves your merchants’ efficiency, increases trade range and power, and boosts your overall income significantly, especially from the wealthy trade nodes in the Americas and Asia.

Conquest & Diplomacy Playstyle

  • Influence Ideas:
    • Ideal for managing vassals and integrating personal unions, which are common in Castille’s gameplay. It reduces the cost of diplomatic annexation and helps in managing aggressive expansion, crucial for territorial expansion in Europe.
  • Administrative Ideas:
    • Extremely useful for its core-creation cost reduction, allowing you to integrate new territories more efficiently. The additional administrative technology cost reduction and mercenary benefits are also valuable for managing a large empire.
  • Defensive or Offensive Ideas:
    • Both are great for a military-focused Castille. Defensive Ideas improve your army’s durability and fort defense, beneficial in the early game. Offensive Ideas enhance your army’s fighting capabilities and siege ability, valuable for aggressive expansion.

How Do You Deal with the Castilian Civil War in EU4?

Managing the Castilian Civil War: The Castilian Civil War is a significant event that can occur in the mid-15th century. To effectively navigate this event, consider the following steps:

  • Strengthen Royal Authority: Before the event triggers, focus on increasing your legitimacy and stability. High legitimacy reduces the likelihood of a severe civil war.
  • Build a Strong Army: Ensure you have a formidable army to quickly suppress any rebellion. Keep your troops centralized for rapid response.
  • Manage Estates Wisely: Keeping the nobility estate loyal and weak reduces the risk of them supporting a potential rebellion.
  • Prepare Economically: Have a stable economy with enough reserves to maintain your army during the conflict and to deal with any immediate financial strains.

What Should You Focus on During the Early Game as Castille?

Early Game Focus for Castille: In the early game, Castille should prioritize the following areas:

  • Complete the Reconquista: Focus on conquering Granada to secure the Iberian Peninsula.
  • Diplomatic Relations: Form strategic alliances, particularly with Portugal and potentially Aragon. Consider the long-term benefits of the Iberian Wedding event.
  • Begin Colonial Ventures: As soon as possible, start exploring and colonizing. The Exploration idea group is crucial for this.
  • Strengthen Economy: Develop your provinces, particularly those in the Sevilla trade node, to boost your economic power.

How Can Castille Best Utilize its National Ideas in EU4?

Utilizing Castille’s National Ideas: Castille’s national ideas are geared towards colonial expansion, naval power, and infantry strength. Here’s how to best utilize them:

  • Colonial and Naval Focus: Leverage the “Inter Caetera” idea to accelerate your colonization efforts and establish a global empire.
  • Military Strength: Use the “Spanish Tercios” idea to build a strong infantry-based army, making it effective in European warfare.
  • Trade and Economic Boost: Capitalize on “Siglo de Oro” and other economic-focused ideas to enhance your trade income and overall economic stability.


This Castille Guide is written for the vanilla version of EUIV – if you want to add up the fun of playing Europa Universalis IV, consider adding DLCs and content packs to your game.

As we bring our journey through the dynamic and rich landscape of Castile in Europa Universalis IV to a close, it’s clear that steering this historic kingdom is a thrilling blend of exploration, tactical conquest, and astute diplomacy. From forging a formidable empire across the seas to navigating the complex tides of European politics, Castile offers a deeply engaging and rewarding gameplay experience.

We hope this guide has illuminated the path to your triumphant reign and sparked a deeper intrigue in the immersive world of Europa Universalis IV. Now, it’s your turn to take the helm: What unique strategies have you deployed or memorable moments have you experienced in your Castilian adventures? We invite you to share your stories and insights in the comments below. Let’s unite our experiences to further enrich the grand narrative of EU4!

EU4: Beginner’s Guide for Castille (Ultimate 2024) - EU4 Paradise (2024)


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